A week in the life
Here's a typical Week

A Smooth Transition from Day to Day

Which day your student is at home or at Spirit Christian Academy (SCA) can vary based on your program,
but here is a sample week:
Home Day
Lesson plans are crafted weekly by teachers and are accessible online for both parents and students. These plans can be printed or viewed directly from the computer.
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Doors open at 8:00 AM for easy parent drop-off. Secondary classes begin at 8:30, elementary at 8:45. Pick-up is from 3:00-3:30 PM. Many families carpool.
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Students experience a full day of core classes, exciting electives, lunch, recess, friends & teachers!  Parents have time to refresh, prepare, and focus on other responsibilities.
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Based on your child's grade level, they will attend school for 2-3 days each week, offering a flexible schedule that caters to individual learning needs.
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Home Day
Lesson plans provide essential content, enabling parents to personalize based on family needs. Many parents include chores, playtime, and specialized subjects in daily checklists.
Students are grounded by social and academic opportunities, while parents remain the primary influence and discipler at home.

Parent Roles


The co-teacher has a very active role beginning in TK and Kindergarten which lessens somewhat each year as they progress in elementary. Each student is different, therefore the time and role of the co-teacher varies.


The co-teacher is a guide for dependent study. Middle school students want independence but should still be closely monitored by the co-teacher who provides extratutoring in weak areas and makes sure assignments are done correctly and are turned in on-time.


At the high school level, the co-teacher is a guide for independent learning. During the high school years there is less focus on teaching and more emphasis on supporting the student to be an independent learner.